Show Audio
Program 2: What's American About American Music (59:00)
Music heard in the radio show:
Schuman: "New England Triptych" (Dallas Symphony/Litton/Dorian DOR-90224)
Billings: "Chester" (Boston Camerata/Cohen/Erato 3984-21668-2)
Haydn: Symphony No. 8 in G (Northern Chamber Orchestra/Ward/Naxos 8.550722)hg
Mason: "Nearer My God to Thee" (Momon Tabernacle Choir/Sony Music Special Projects A 15935)
Trad.: "The Eagles Whistle"(Frank Ferrel/Flying Fish FF 70572)
Beethoven: String Quartet in C, Opus 59, No. 3, 3rd movement (Emerson String Quartet/Deutsche Grammophon 447 078-2)
Heinrich: The Ornithological Combat of Kings (Syracuse Symphony/Keene/New World Records 80208-2
Gottschalk: "L'Union" (Alan Mandel/VoxBox CD3X 3033)
Paine: Mass in D under (St. Louis Symphony & Chorus/Schuller/New World Records 80262-2)
Gottschalk: "The Banjo" (Alan Mandel/VoxBox CD3X 3033)
Beach: "By the Still Water" (Joanne Polk/Arabesque Z6693)
Gottschalk: "The Banjo" (Alan Mandel/VoxBox CD3X 3033)
Carter: String Quartet No. 2 (Juilliard String Quartet Sony SMK 62712)
Dvorak: "New World" Symphony, second movement (Chicago Symphony/Solti/London 410 116-2)
Beach: Piano Quintet in F-sharp minor (The Ambache/Chandos CHAN 9752)
Sessions: Symphony No. 4 (Columbus Symphony/Badea/New World Records NW 345-2)
Anderson: "O Superman" (Warner Bros. 3674-2)
Duckworth: "Time Curve Prelude" No. 1 (Neely Bruce/Lovely Music LCD 2031)
Duckworth: "Time Curve Prelude" No. 24 (Neely Bruce/Lovely Music LCD 2031)